“WTSHTF” Defined

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“WTSHTF” Defined

Postby Rodebaugh » Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:22 pm

Curious about what “WTSHTF” means to you.

I know what it means to me: in short..... complete government and social breakdown (lack of moral and civic law)

Ie. Having enough toilet paper, spices, banana chips, and so on…. would be the least of the worries one would have in my post-apocalyptic WTSHTF definition. (anyone else follow me here?) . I am not going to list my essentials….Not what this thread is for. What I guess I am trying to say is that things have to be bad, real bad for the S to HTF. I am talking about forced slavery and servitude, a land rife with rape/murder, human butcher houses, the repulsive opportunistic dark side of humanity in full action with no self inhibition or governing force.

SHTF IMO does not = %25 unemployment, with common looting, and government restructuring, and failing banks, food shortages….ect (However, I do believe that this spawns my definition of SHTF)

Thoughts? :idea:
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Re: “WTSHTF” Defined

Postby Thogey » Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:52 pm

Great topic,

This topic has been on the thogey kitchen table discussion a lot lately and this is what we came up with.

First, prep the best you can. We've gone over that together here at RC

I'm going to turn the topic slightly and I believe this thread will get a lot of play.

The answer is.... nobody has the slightest clue.

Things have been gawdawful bad in the past and for the last 50 years. in the USA at least, they have been as good as it gets.

Thanks to God for our blessings. The fact that clean potable water comes out of your faucet is a wild fantasy to most people globally.

Back on topisc, WTSHTF:

The fact is this, and this is the truth: We will all experience TSHTF. The economy may hold up. Your goose may $hit gold eggs till the day you die.

But that day will come we will all experience pain worse than we want to admit or think about. We all imagine we will grow old and die with loved ones at our side, but that doesn't happen. We will suffer loss probably, poverty and years of suffering in old ruined, broken, old bodies.

Like many of you constantly write, be prepared!

But in the mean time please enjoy every, good, pain free day you can. The time will come when they are gone. They will never return.

But there is hope, there is a way out. I'll leave it there because deep down you all know what that hope is.
If I have the gift of prophesy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to move mountains but do not have love I am nothing. And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned but do not have love it profits me nothing.
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