Amauter Radio

A forum for the discussion of stocking up on non-coin or non-metals survival and comfort items, skills, ideas and anything else that might help if things get bad. Post item lists, where to find bargains, storage ideas and security issues/ideas, and other relevant topics.

Amauter Radio

Postby ardorlan » Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:40 pm

I am getting my amateur radio Technician Class license at the end of this month.
After which I will be buying a $160 hand held radio, After I get into Ham Radio and Ham Internet a bit, I plan on buying a book and a electronics project kit for ham radio.

Access to information is a great thing, In most emergency scenarios normal communication networks go down and are in need of repair. Ham Radio also allows one to call for home when normal communication networks are down.
Penny Pincher Member
Posts: 216
Joined: Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:36 am

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