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Our Prep Successes!

PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 9:08 am
by Thogey
Large chest freezer and 39 gal trash bags.

Trash bags give me peace of mind because I got caught a little behind on water so I just use them as liners and keep a few trash barrels full.

But the best one. I'm 5-11 167 lbs resting heart rate of 50-60 BP is 100/70, 99% oxygen saturation. Been intermittent fasting, kale, exercise yoga... bla bla bla for the past 3 years, quit drinking about 5 years ago and don't smoke. My skeleton feels strong.

Other than the wear from age (53) and a few injuries, I feel to be in the best physical shape and condition I can remember.

This will help me handle whatever the next physical or psychological catastrophe is coming next, because they are coming hard and fast in my life, just like they do in everyone's yee haw :o

I understand if you happen to be over weight BMI>30 this is very bad. Can you imagine the poor hospital staff who has to move 200-300 pound limp and sick people. Dangerous and horrifying.

If you are overweight, this is a good time to start making adjustments. Maybe the best prep you can do. :thumbup:

Re: Our Prep Successes!

PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:45 pm
by blackrabbit
Get out and walk/ hike around. This is the best time for it. Almost no one around. Staying cooped up will hurt your immune system and make you more susceptible to all illness.

Re: Our Prep Successes!

PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:26 am
by Treetop
Most everything I guess. I could be forced to not leave my yard for years and be fine. Guess Id have to eat the goats though. I would be able to go near indefinitely if I had more soil built up but I didnt bring it all from my last home when I moved this last summer.

Re: Our Prep Successes!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2020 10:43 am
by 68Camaro
The wife was able to get a "non-medical" O2 fingertip monitor at a reasonable price - arrived today, seems to work, so we have that for our medical supplies going forward.