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Potassium Iodide

PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 8:00 pm
by frugi
Potassium Iodide

I have always wanted to have some of this in my preps..... in light of the current news, I thought why not buy some on Amazon, have it shipped to me just in case.... Potassium Iodide is Anti-Radiation medicine.

Does anybody think that makes me nuts or overreacting? :?:

It isnt something I can find in a brick and mortar store, apparently if you buy too much of it over a period of time you can cause yourself to be on a watch list...

I went ahead and bought a 2 week supply for 2 adults..... each adult gets a full dose of 130 mg every 24 hours for 14 days.

The entire cost total (for two adults) was under $15.00, and included free shipping.

I figured its cheap and has a long shelf life,,, (expires 2024), why not go ahead and buy some....

Anyhow, homeland security recommends all US citizens have a 2 week supply in their emergency kit.

the brand I ordered is gov't approved.... ioSat (bought on Amazon)

Even if the chances are obscure of a DPRK ICBM nuke hitting me in the midwest USA, the chances are greater of a dirty bomb or suitcase nuke making its way into the USA into the wrong hands.

I heard through the OATH KEEPERS forum that there is currently Air FOrce planes doing night/day sweeps using radiation detection devices of many, many US cities.... most recently Seattle, has had it going on for the past few days and has made national headlines. (they are looking for dirty bombs)

Many people are scared right now, even if it is a false flag, or just hype meant to distract.

Re: Potassium Iodide

PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 8:16 pm
by 68Camaro
I have some but keep in mind it only provides limited protection against only thyroid cancer. And the US probably caused more cases of thyroid cancer to our own population from above ground testing in the southwest US than we would ever get from a limited attack. But more to the point, there are many other types of cancer to be more concerned about.

Re: Potassium Iodide

PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 12:53 am
by Recyclersteve
I remember when Japan had Fukushima (the big nuclear meltdown in March, 2011). The stuff you are talking about was indeed about $15 for a two week supply. I remember seeing some sell for a super high price (believe it was over $1,000) on eBay.