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Re: Trump

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 9:21 pm
by frugi
I am just hoping Trump can fill 3 vacancies in the Supreme Court during his term. We are getting ready to seal up the second. If we can get 1 more, than I believe we are set for the next 30-40 years. We will probably be set the rest of my life as far as 2nd amendment, and other constitutional protections go. If Trump accomplishes absolutely nothing else, but gets his nominations in, he will have saved the future of our country for the next several generations regardless of who or what party becomes president. My only concern would be if some butt hurt political party gains control and legislates some law that calls 4 additional SCOTUS justices, and then nominates 4 left leaning liberal judges to gain control of the Supreme Court. Putting that worse case scenario aside, I am pleased so far, and give Trump an A+ across the board.

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 9:43 pm
by bankmining
frugi wrote:I am just hoping Trump can fill 3 vacancies in the Supreme Court during his term. We are getting ready to seal up the second. If we can get 1 more, than I believe we are set for the next 30-40 years. We will probably be set the rest of my life as far as 2nd amendment, and other constitutional protections go. If Trump accomplishes absolutely nothing else, but gets his nominations in, he will have saved the future of our country for the next several generations regardless of who or what party becomes president. My only concern would be if some butt hurt political party gains control and legislates some law that calls 4 additional SCOTUS justices, and then nominates 4 left leaning liberal judges to gain control of the Supreme Court. Putting that worse case scenario aside, I am pleased so far, and give Trump an A+ across the board.

+1 :clap: on this. If I remember my history correctly, I think FDR tried to "pack the court" during the New Deal by getting new legislation passed to add a new justice whenever a current justice turned 70 years of age and wouldn't retire.

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 8:05 am
by Thogey
Well look back and review. Because here we are again.

How do you guys feel this time?

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 8:17 am
by 68Camaro
I was slow to get on the trump train 5 years ago. He had a lot of baggage and his persona didn't come across well. I still do not like some of his Twitter or public statement details, but as far as action taken I have a.difficult time thinking of any result taken that I don't either wholeheartedly or at worst at least partially support. I'm all on board the train this time regardless of any opponent because there is no one else running who is remotely qualified (in my opinion, of course).

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 9:16 am
by Thogey
The corona virus came at the wrong time for open border advocates. Are we going to wait for that single infected illegal to cross?

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 10:27 am
by Thogey
I learned this morning Trump is responsible for the imminent corona virus disaster about to befall us.

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:42 am
by frugi
Yes. Apparently responsible for it hitting China as well. And of course he is racist, so that helps.

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 1:09 pm
by fasteddy
^^^^^^^ Don't forget...he is a Xenophobe for sure now after shutting off Europe last night.

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2024 2:48 pm
by Silver4face
BUMP!!!! Trump is running again, and the next "election" is only 6-7 months away. I don't know how many active members we have (I'm guessing 100-300), but there has to be someone looking to respond on this old thread.

I'll put my two cents in since I am responsible for reopening this thread. I like Trump and hope he wins. Unfortunately, the people that I vote for lose 67-75 percent of the time. If this trend continues, the end could be near.

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2024 4:11 pm
by thecrazyone
I won't be voting for him.

And I won't be voting for Biden, either.

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Sun Apr 14, 2024 5:41 pm
Trump would not be my first choice but he is the only choice if it comes down to Trump or Biden.

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:24 pm
by frugi
Silver4face wrote:BUMP!!!! Trump is running again, and the next "election" is only 6-7 months away. I don't know how many active members we have (I'm guessing 100-300), but there has to be someone looking to respond on this old thread.

I'll put my two cents in since I am responsible for reopening this thread. I like Trump and hope he wins. Unfortunately, the people that I vote for lose 67-75 percent of the time. If this trend continues, the end could be near.

I'm voting for him. I am betting on him, literally. I sold off the rest of most of my crypto recently when it jumped I was done with it really. I still have some, but sold most of it and put the money into gold and silver about 5 weeks ago, then sold some of that last week and bought some DJT stock and pretty much continuing to buy as its falling. maybe it will go up, maybe not. maybe trump will win, maybe not.

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2024 11:33 am
by thecrazyone
Wonder how Trump will do after all of the sewage flowing out of the hush money case. I'd love to be a juror for that one!

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2024 3:40 pm
by 68Camaro
The hush money trial will continue to add to his popularity. Regardless of what actually happened, him paying off Daniels by means of a lawyer fee out of his personal funds is not a crime. Even CNN commentary is starting to admit that is a biased court and a non crime, and if it was anyone other than Trump no charges would have been filed.

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2024 10:21 am
by Treetop
I highly doubt it will hurt him as well. My hippy great aunt (and when I say hippy I am literal, she was a flower child of the 60s) and her husband went from thinking trump was satan from this trial to thinking hes just misguided. They dont even plan to vote this time because they still dont like trump but biden is senile. If you knew them youd probably be shocked they cooled so much on trump because they are super left. Have to agree with 68 I expect this trial helped him.

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2024 1:21 pm
by thecrazyone
It will be really great to have a president who shamed his family, didn't wear a hat while banging a porn star, and didn't pay taxes while he expects others to. God Bless America.


Re: Trump

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2024 8:19 pm
by 68Camaro
At the moment we have for a president a senile traitor to the country who actively got himself and his family rich off his political offices, obviously didn't pay taxes on those riches, sold out the country to his sponsors in China and elsewhere, has destroyed the economy for no good reason other than to please his masters and buy votes and money, has opened the borders to anyone that wants to come in including gangs and terrorists and traffickers, and has participated and led the systematic destruction of virtually every formerly stable institution in the country. I'm happy to take Trump over that. No sarcasm.

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2024 9:21 pm
by Silver4face
In short, Beijing Biden makes Trump look like the GOAT (greatest of all time)

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2024 6:53 am
by Treetop
I hear everyone say trump says to much. I disagree, I dont think hed have ever won if he didnt fight a war against the media. I actually have lots of left wing ideals. But the current left is broken, To my brain trump is the only decent president in my whole life from 1980.

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Sat May 18, 2024 4:17 pm
by Thogey
68Camaro wrote:The hush money trial will continue to add to his popularity. Regardless of what actually happened, him paying off Daniels by means of a lawyer fee out of his personal funds is not a crime. Even CNN commentary is starting to admit that is a biased court and a non crime, and if it was anyone other than Trump no charges would have been filed.

I wasn't going to vote. I really don't care about politics anymore since Xondre died. Mostly because I regretted the energy I spent on it and don't trust any information in the news. I have always been on the wrong side. I voted for Romney and McCain. thank god they dint win. I was for OIF, big mistake, I drank the full Jim Jones cool aid.

When Trump was indicted, my vote for him was secured 100%. Read the Gulag Archipelago.

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2024 1:48 pm
by Doctor Steuss
At this point, if someone took a marsupial turd, shoved it up inside a Muppet shaped like a potato, and had it run 3rd party, I'd consider voting for it rather than the neurosyphilis and dementia parade that the duopoly has managed to serve up.

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2024 5:08 pm
by shinnosuke
Doctor Steuss wrote:At this point, if someone took a marsupial turd, shoved it up inside a Muppet shaped like a potato, and had it run 3rd party, I'd consider voting for it rather than the neurosyphilis and dementia parade that the duopoly has managed to serve up.

Congratulations. Your comment is simultaneously both the saddest and funniest political observation on the Internet today. Your wisdom should be shared more often.

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2024 4:26 pm
by Corsair
68Camaro wrote:The hush money trial will continue to add to his popularity. Regardless of what actually happened, him paying off Daniels by means of a lawyer fee out of his personal funds is not a crime. Even CNN commentary is starting to admit that is a biased court and a non crime, and if it was anyone other than Trump no charges would have been filed.

You are correct. It is not a crime.

It's 34 crimes.

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2024 9:19 pm
by 68Camaro
34 kangaroo court convictions. 0 crimes. Might as well have been a trial in North Korea for the justice and fairness of it. An out of statue of limitations misdemeanor charge already turned down by the feds wrongly elevated to a felony and a fantasy of a wrong created by the democratic judge and prosecution using known admitted liars and thieves with acknowledged grudges as star witnesses. Only in a George Soros Amerika.

But if he gets reelected, it'll be this trial that elected him. The bulk of the population inherently sense the unfairness of it. Doesn't matter if a minority of Trump haters are celebrating.

If he doesn't get relected, the thought police will be emboldened to go after anyone who values freedom and self reliance.

Re: Trump

PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2024 9:34 pm
by Treetop
Its so obviously political that if you dont realize it was political you need to vary up your news sources a bit and dig deeper on any issue you care enough about. It is indeed scary times that many take this seriously. the ramifications are dire. Doesnt matter who wins if we start down this path we have a good generation plus at a very dangerous point in history we will be broken.