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tire weights

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 6:54 pm
by GA-Silver
Someone told me that tire weights are now not made out of pure lead due to environmental concerns. If this is true, how much are tire weights brining per lb in your area?

Re: tire weights

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 9:51 pm
by hobo finds
New laws in Calif I think, they are making them out of something other than lead. But think of all the cars that have the old lead wheel weights on them. I got .20 a pound for some last month in So. AZ

Re: tire weights

PostPosted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:52 pm
by garnede
You could make more off of them by melting them down and selling for fishing weights. Lots of salt water fishers use 1-5 pound weights.

Re: tire weights

PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 7:32 pm
by Hades12
Sell them at tractor shows, they use them to make large weights for tractor pulling.

Re: tire weights

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:21 pm
by commoncents
Anyone know an easy way to distinguish between lead wheel weights and whatever else wheel weights might be made of? What are the other alloys?

Re: tire weights

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 10:01 pm
by Kurr
Most of the "stick on" weights with adhesive are 99% pure I believe. The ones with the clips are differing alloys and amounts of basically some mix of tin, antimony, and arsenic for hardening purposes. Some are even made of zinc!

I melt em and let the clips float to the top with the zincones, which do not melt.. I use a magnet on a wire to remove the clips and then to skim the dross off. I personaly think ( noproof) some of the other materials with a higher melting point than lead floats to the top for skimming under low heat condition and "purifies" or softens the lead some what.

I have a listing in the buy it now section for .375" round balls for muzzleloading I have or slingshot ammo, just cause I make em and like to shoot alot. I don't what sinkers would go for, but I believe I have sold lead bars here on the forum for a little profit. I pay $40 a fivegallon jug locally