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Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 9:34 pm
by pitw
That spider in the first pic worked on his/her web all day. Amazing critter as it could tell when a bug hit it as opposed to the wind. Now I know why Robert the Bruce did what he did. :ugeek:

Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 9:57 am
by pitw
Wife made me some butter tarts for some reason I'm still trying to figure out :?

With apples falling off our neighbors trees tis the season to make.

Wife likes grape jelly and she is as poor as me so she decided to try growing some up here.


She is tickled pink with the results. Which help prove living poor can still provide good food. :thumbup:

Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 10:45 am
by tdtwedt
Your posts always make me hungry. :thumbup:

Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 5:50 pm
by pitw
When you are poor and something needs to be done you do it cheap.

You also don't pay for a pet like this pup I picked up yesterday.

Took the little spit 2 minutes to get company in the dog house.

I think I actually made money on the pup as he came with the large dog crate I'll try selling for $50.

Funny how a person forgets how sharp puppy teeth are.

Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2016 1:23 pm
by Recyclersteve
Two questions:

1) Are we supposed to know what "pitw" stands for?
2) Have you ever been to a store called Tractor Supply? If so, what do you you think of it?

By the way, that is a great looking dog!

Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 8:18 am
by pitw
1] I don't know if ou are or not, it could mean price includes the water for cheap customers.
2) I've only heard of it on internet forums and don't even know if we have it in Canada. I pretty much dislike all stores as I find it cheaper to reuse stuff someone else paid the sticker price shock on.
Thanks, he is still alive which bodes well for him.

Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 8:53 am
by pitw
When it's a wet week with no work and one doesn't feel like doing much anyway, a fellow who is poor comes up with some fun stuff to do. The wife juiced them grapes from earlier on in the thread and I saw them in the slop pail. Figured this would be fun to put some out in a pile and take a pic then put said pic on a hunting forum asking what it is. Trapping is fun no matter what the target is. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:26 am
by pitw

The jelly made from the grapes. Kinda/sorta funny that I like this jelly as I normally detest grape jelly.

Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 6:28 pm
by pitw
Never got fishing in September this year and fall has always been my time but a screwed up year can do that. Asked my boy Don if he had a buddy who wanted to waste a day chasing whitefish at near freezing temps. Answer was yes so Yesterday morning we left home with the boat at 6am and got to boat launch by 10am. Lake was still foggy as [L] but we took our time to get to the next lake which was a challenge as the water was down at least three feet. Fog burnt off and we made our way to the end of the second lake where we tried for the fish. The lads were getting a mite upset as I pulled in a fish on near every cast and I told them to pay attention. After I had caught enough for me I gave them my rod and took each of theirs to look at. One was brand new and had twine on it for sturgeon or something the other had old twine that curled up like a pubic hair. The lads caught a bunch of fish each before they decided they had enough and home we came. I had took the camera with to take pics but me lad had taken the card out for homework so no pics of the trip.

The fish put in a pail at home to be cleaned.

The lads lined them up for a pic.

Then after doing this part[which both lads got to do a third each as I believe they either learn to clean their catch or not go] we were done by 10pm.

She were a great day and both lads said we should do it again if I will help them choose some line. Fun part was no gaming other than betting on which animal we would see next. I'll take a day like this over most any other as we was the only ones out enjoying the fall weather. I suppose most think fish hibernate or something.

Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 6:37 pm
by 68Camaro
Never had whitefish - do you fry them up in cornmeal, or what?

Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 7:00 pm
by Bigjohn
That's awesome! Great catch! I need to look into it as well, sounds like great fishing!

Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 7:27 pm
by pitw
Corn meal is something Americans use as we hardly ever use it for anything. I make a flour based covering. A lot of folk cook the fish whole as they don't know how to debone them. I/we like them filleted and fried just fine. I've fished for these things in temps from -30F to 75F and I like it all. Had a 10+ pound Jackfish come and take one white right off the hook at the boat and the lads thought that was awesome. Any day I can teach and enjoy at the same time is a good day. :thumbup:

Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 11:12 pm
by Recyclersteve
You sure do live an interesting life!

Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 6:13 am
by pitw
Recyclersteve wrote:You sure do live an interesting life!

I'm thinking different would be a better word. It's kinda/sorta weird how something different is interesting. I can't talk about movies, tv, computers as I know nothing of them but I do know how to feed myself which is different. I wouldn't trade life styles with any rich person as I believe my friends/neighbors are better people than theirs. :thumbup:

Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 8:48 pm
by pitw
I don't always do the stuff that can be done to save money but I damb sure watch how it can be done. I was up to the colony earlier this fall[kid lost me camera card for a spell :roll: ] and the women were making soap for washing clothes and cleaning the kitchen. These folk do not like cameras but as I was there to pay a fellow for something he did for me and I have known the colony my whole life they allowed me to take some pics. No less than 4 elders came over to check me out in the two hours I spent with the women while waiting for Moses to show up. Normally the women never talk to us outsiders but all these women finally warmed up and I think I learned as much from them in two hours as I do from 2 years with the men.
They do this soap making once a year or maybe 2 years as they use all the chicken fat, pig scraps, beef tallow and it looked like most anything an animal may have had. There were more than a few bones I saw put into this batch.
The morning started at 5am for a couple of them as they started the fire to cook up the soap in this.

The goop looked like this and later it kinda/sorta foamed up right to the top before being allowed to cool a bit before being poured into the cake makers.

Some of the ingredients.

The lye came in pails

The cakes of soap after cutting and bagging were placed in a granery for a year or so and then ran through a feed shredder to make flakes[kinda/sorta]. the tables in back held the containment units for the hot soap to be cooled down.

The only pic I will show of the women as I don't want to irritate them.

They made 5 batch's a day and each batch took about 2.5 hours to cook.

Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 9:50 am
by wolvesdad
Now that's BIG scale. We made soap twice, but at a tiny scale compared to that!!
Are they amish, menonites, neither or other?
Thanks for sharing!

Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:44 am
by pitw
Them would be Hutterites and yeah it was a lot of soap.

Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 3:28 pm
by 68Camaro
Well that made me spend 10 minutes looking up the history of the hutterites. Hmmm, interesting. Quite the history.

Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 7:24 am
by Changechecker

Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 10:51 am
by pitw
Was just out touring yesterday when I met a pair of Huts who were headed to a town to get some blood work done on the woman. She wanted to sell me a pair of hand made slippers for $10. My wife loves the dang things so I pulled out a $5 bill and said, "It's all I got". She took it like my dog getting hand fed[in other words I had to check to see if me hand was still there]. Can't beat getting christmas shopping done and not having to go near town. :thumbup:

Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 1:13 pm
by pitw
Doing things at a small percentage of the price others do the same thing for helps in living poor. Just like anyone else I kinda/sorta like to see different areas of the earth so I came up with a plan to do it more cost effectively. I can hunter host a person from another country every 2 years which allows me to have someone from another area to come see my ground and in exchange I get to go see theirs. This way I get to see things no tourist ever will and actually interact with people. This year my son used his host allotment as well so we could have 2 fellows from Iceland come over to hunt Whitetails and coyotes and then I/we go over there sometime to fish and sight see. The Icelanders had to pay their flight and $270 for licenses which is a mite cheaper than the guides charge as me and the one Icelander met a guide up North who was quite open to talking. He said they charge each hunter $14,000 for a week hunt of just WT's and the client gets to spend each day in a freaking chair blind hoping something walks by. The clients all stay together in an old house and eat what they are fed. Here the guys eat what we eat or are free to make something from our stores. They get to walk and look around to see the different topography and I don't mind putting them in my favorite spots as they ain't coming back next year with 20 friends to screw it up. After our talk with the guide I asked Biggi which was the better way and his response was immediate that what he was doing was far more entertaining.
Some pics of what they did.

Man I had to enjoy Biggi describing to Becky[I couldn't no how pronounce his real name let alone spell it] how this buck went down.

They each got a deer and 4 coyotes plus walked many miles to look at elk, moose, grouse and other life they don't have there.

Enjoyed how they left the one coyote I wouldn't skin after a bit of conversation.

Fun was had.

Biggi also got to meet some Hutterites and was impressed with them too.

Paying big bucks don't always ensure the best service so use your heads and find a way to live poor. :thumbup:

Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 1:33 pm
by Bigjohn
Always enjoy reading your posts :thumbup:

Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 1:52 pm
by pitw
Bigjohn wrote:Always enjoy reading your posts :thumbup:


at -30 and a 30mph wind blowing I ain't leaving the house again until the community Christmas concert at 2. Good food and fellowship will get me out.

Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 2:48 pm
by pitw


Re: pitw's living poor.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2017 7:56 pm
by pitw
Living poor means using what you have for fun and making life easier.
Remember the puppy I showed earlier in the thread? Well it turned out to be about the dumbest dog I've ever brought home but the wife likes him so shot he didn't get. She has him with her when she feeds her horse and other critters. Other day he grabbed the toboggan rope and pulled it so she came up with a cheap harness.

Which he had not chewed up by the time she came to show me.

Then she was off to see if he would haul feed and straw.

Sorry about the vid but she has a smart phone that is smarter than either of us. :lol: Much like I don't know how to make the video show up in a post. :thumbdown: :roll:
So have fun doing what you do cheaply as being poor enough to borrow from a church mouse doesn't mean you have to be stagnant.