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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby IdahoCopper » Sat Oct 29, 2016 6:12 pm

Maybe Comey found a way to secure his family from Clinton death squads.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Thogey » Sat Oct 29, 2016 6:53 pm

IdahoCopper wrote:Maybe Comey found a way to secure his family from Clinton death squads.

He's afraid Tump is going to get elected and he will be investigated and found guilty because he is.

Jeez the evidence is overwhelming and making the whole group like like clowns.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby johnbrickner » Sat Oct 29, 2016 9:50 pm

The hopes of dissatisfied America ride on his shoulders. I admire the faith and determination his supporters have and show. I personally hope you get all the President you have and will vote(d) for.

If ever their was a time our country needed a savior to make things right, restore faith in our justice and economic systems and our democracy, the time is now. Ever do we look to a higher source of power to give us the answers. Is it any surprise we place our hopes on an individual who aspires to hold the highest position in our country to provide them?

It looks as though the system itself has predisposed us to "depend" or have our faith on/in the system to make things right.

I have no such faith, and hold my hopes much more closely. Their was a day and time in our country when individuals and the communities they lived in were the places where meaningful justice, economy, democracy, and change was held. When We the People bring America back to that place, my faith and hopes will be restored. "Till then I will work with, support and vote the organizations, groups and candidates most likely to facilitate our country that direction with the least risk of war.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Sat Oct 29, 2016 11:27 pm

johnbrickner wrote: Their was a day and time in our country when individuals and the communities they lived in were the places where meaningful justice, economy, democracy, and change was held.

Was there? Ive read a good amount of history, Im not sure such an era ever existed. In small pockets, briefly perhaps.
When We the People bring America back to that place, my faith and hopes will be restored. "Till then I will work with, support and vote the organizations, groups and candidates most likely to facilitate our country that direction with the least risk of war.

If what you said earlier in the post pertained to me at all, you mis read me completely. I put no real faith in Trump. I do think he could shake things up and try in his own way to fix things but not any chance I see to restore most of what I think we lost. Most of what we lost isnt so much in laws or economy or jobs but in the hearts of our neighbors. Looking at what many among the younger generations what from life and governance, what I personally feel made the US the best nation is increasingly buried. I do think it is still there and more here then in other nations but I dont expect to see it rise in my life unless perhaps after a war. Of course I wouldnt vote for hillary just to get said war. That said we are currently run by what amount to insider gangs and with all his faults he isnt in those gangs as best I can tell. Only two candidates have a chance so I have no idea who the anti war candidate you speak of is, but one current candidate has mentioned invading iran, and also setting up no fly zones and other things in syria that could trigger a real war that could bring us to our knees. In that sense if there was ever an anti war candidate who could actually win it was TrumP.

Also by my math we have much further to go down. The "globalism" trend, and the lies that go with it seek to imo enslave us all to not seek our own often warped answers but to submit to authority. We are building it right into our school system as we speak and taking this global. Trump isnt likely bright enough to fix this even if he tried, however another 4-8 years down this path we might not even have a chance at getting out for well past my lifetime. So many things woven into what I am talking about here would take me several pages to lay it out.

If trump wins ANd does well cleaning house and more importantly bringing back decent jobs, both unlikely even if he wins, then perhaps we could re divert some of the path I see us on. We are slipping right into a dystopian sci fi future as it is now. Hillary and what she offers is so many multiples worse that it baffles me entirely when people act like they both suck so they dont care. The people who I have engaged in any depth thus far just shut down as I lay out the paradigms each build into, which effectively means they never actually see the scope of what I was driving at while still dismissing me. This is part of the problem honestly. Even most people I met more intelligent then myself have trouble seeing the bigger picture and longer term trends. their "education" having effectively put them into boxes inside their own minds i such a way that there is little chance in my mind of ever building the world Id actually like to see. Youve no doubt heard me say that IF or when things fall I expect people to "get it" in some ways and want self determination to some degree, and I do believe this, but that is a very reletive thing within its own context. Actually breaking the "cycle of civilizations" we are trapped in? These are mindsets I dont expect to see rise, and we frankly never had them although the US in the past came closer then any other group I am aware of.

Trump at his best, might give my kids a platform to have a chance at a future.... Not because hes some hero, but because hes just a regular f-ed up dude who isnt trying to indoctrinate and make minds small so as to be malleable. The cycle of civilizations as it has been called is a real thing, and rather consistent as a society gets more complex. The ways the power structure behaves, and the ways the populace reacts. It is one of the drawbacks to civilization. In our modern age with modern tech it has the potential to play out much slower before it falls in extremely dark ways if we continue this way. As I see it almost anyone outside of the power structure who had the will to tackle it could do as well as trump at his best might. It is rare anyone outside of said structure could even get into the fold of a culture and derail that some what or slow it. Half or more of the generations below me appear entirely ripe for being drones if figures they were conditioned to respect drove them in that direction. Trump cant by himself hold back the tide of history, nor do we have anywhere close to enough people Id personally call aware to stand to it. To my view this is the single election and only vote of your life besides perhaps Perot in 92 that even had a chance, however small to even slow it. Not because I see him as some heroe but because hed derail the drive of the elite who are simply doing as the connected always do except with modern tools and ensuring their own power and future.

I see no real light at the end of the tunnel here. Its a matter of how dark the tunnel gets and how fast it does it. I have 3 kids in this tunnel. One path from here who knows maybe something else happens and they find the light at the end or their kids do. The other fork in the road imo get darker quick and perhaps sealed in under nuclear rubble, or plugged into a machine they have no capacity to question.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby hobo finds » Sun Oct 30, 2016 3:18 pm

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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby aloneibreak » Sun Oct 30, 2016 3:45 pm

Treetop wrote:
I see no real light at the end of the tunnel here. Its a matter of how dark the tunnel gets and how fast it does it. I have 3 kids in this tunnel. One path from here who knows maybe something else happens and they find the light at the end or their kids do. The other fork in the road imo get darker quick and perhaps sealed in under nuclear rubble, or plugged into a machine they have no capacity to question.

great line here, zac

we are going down the dark tunnel regardless

but me and mine rest our hope on what is to come after this all blows up

and i dont mean on this earth only
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby johnbrickner » Mon Oct 31, 2016 2:18 pm

Treetop wrote:
johnbrickner wrote: Their was a day and time in our country when individuals and the communities they lived in were the places where meaningful justice, economy, democracy, and change was held.

Was there? Ive read a good amount of history, Im not sure such an era ever existed. In small pockets, briefly perhaps.
When We the People bring America back to that place, my faith and hopes will be restored. "Till then I will work with, support and vote the organizations, groups and candidates most likely to facilitate our country that direction with the least risk of war.

If what you said earlier in the post pertained to me at all, you mis read me completely.<snip>


Perhaps it's only a metaphor in my mind to a simpler more empowered life. Maybe it existed when my forefathers came to this country before it was a country. No matter, I'm glad you are better well read in Hx and other subjects than I. Keeps me honest.

You wrote so much, I worry you took my post to personal. In all honesty, what I said earlier pertained to you not at all. Were I to have had it pertain to you, I'd have addressed you directly as I am now. I have to much respect for you and am intelligent enough not to challenge you in areas of your expertise.

It was meant for the most zealous and passionate of Trump supporters. The ones totally committed to riding his band wagon. The ones who hold him up on a pedestal like we do with our athletes. Ones that follow similar to:
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Mon Oct 31, 2016 3:43 pm

I expected that is what you meant which is why I said "if it pertained to me at all". Also, Im not sure Im much of an expert on anything but Im opinionated and read more then most if it something I care about, lol. (although I might change high desert farming one day, few even try what Im having great success at). I didnt take it personally. The forces I see shaping our culture are deeply embedded even if Trump was 10x better then I expect he might be, he couldnt change that. No doubt many read that and think my views are extreme but Id bet I engage and seek out more variables and mindsets of my peers then they do to come to such conclusions which doesnt make me right, but perhaps closer to it. It isnt just the power structure that dictates where we go, it is also how we the people all relate to it. I see a range of elements rising in this regard that I expect will need to play out before theres any chance of a government as I would actually desire. Hearts and minds will have to change and words alone arent likely to ever do that once such mindsets are formed, atleast not for most. The populism on the right scares many but this just might save any chance we have at a future I want for my offspring. I truly believe as bad as these factors are in the US Ive sought out people in many other cultures online and still think we are far better off with all our faults then anywhere else Im aware of. The US in part has a dream, perhaps warped and shifting over time but there is a power in that dream. If it ever died fully which none of us will live to see even in the worst potential future imo, it might sound cliche to many but I expect it will be to the detriment of our entire race, even counting our faults.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Tue Nov 01, 2016 10:26 am

I found this interesting.

Democrats suing Trump in 4 battleground states, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Nevada. They claim he is using voter suppression tactics. What they are actually doing, or atleast what they were asked to do was to do exit polling. You know that thing we used to do before electronic voting and our government still values when it comes to testing the veracity of foreign elections. We consider it fraud if exit polling is more then 2% off. Here in the US though it is voter suppression!! Or maybe democrats just dont want anything trying to stop them from cheating. Keep in mind it is happening all over the country not just those 4 states, but somehow they decided thus far to only sue there.

Video above is from the group who has been discussing voter fraud since the early 2000s. Having called out both republican and democrats within this time. They claim to have figured out something built into our election system that lets the vote be rigged remotely. I dunno if its legit but they sure seem to think what they found is.

I just love how the media is relating to the fact the case was re opened on hillary. This is un precedented and must be political!! But it totally showed how great Comey was when she was the first one ever who handled classified materials like that and destroyed materials after a congressional subpoena that didnt get in trouble, both unprecedented and seemingly political. Also hillary really wants the FBI to release these emails so the public has transparency!!! She is totally a quality lawyer but forgot that would be entirely illegal for the fbi to do. According to stats I saw the other day the media is about 3X more likely to blame Comey for this instead of hillary or huma. Even fox when reporting on a poll that showed close to 30% of hillary supporters are thinking about changing their vote reported it as 71% say they will still vote for hillary!! Meanwhile Trump can still draw 10-20k plus with 2-3 days notice anywhere in the country he goes. Except now they are louder and more riled up then any political rallies Ive ever personally seen video of.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Tue Nov 01, 2016 9:42 pm

WOW. First I will say I called it. Wikileaks was our FBI it appears. Not russia.

This is the guy saying this. Friend sent me this... Its alex rambling the first minute or so, but then its Steve Pieczenik talking who has real credentials. It appears we are witnessing a counter coup trying to wrest control of our government from corruption. Guess we will see how it plays out, but this looks amazing.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Tue Nov 01, 2016 9:48 pm

This is Steves own page on youtube, same video as in the infowars page link I put above. So no need to watch both. This one is shorter since it doesnt have alex ranting at first.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby 68Camaro » Tue Nov 01, 2016 9:55 pm

He has a checkered past. Seems to love saying folks are crazy and major events are false flags. Wouldn't fall on my sword over this.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Tue Nov 01, 2016 10:04 pm

Guess we will see, but he is legitimately someone who was in a position to be involved in this if true. lol guess we will see within a few days. Are we sure all or some of the events he claimed were false flags werent? Might have been. I dont know the details of all that. I just verified he had the connections to be involved in such a thing which he does.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Tue Nov 01, 2016 10:15 pm

We did just have the FBI randomly release documents from a 2001 investigation into bill clinton today. Seems rather random and rumors of more to come.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Wed Nov 02, 2016 4:47 am

The video I linked above made it onto drudge today. There is also this that I mentioned which is also on drudge and might verify people in the FBI are trying to hit clinton.... ... on-records ... story.html

LOL the next few days might be epic if this is legitimately people in our intelligence trying to bring the clintons down. Honestly the idea the info wikileaks has came from inside our government instead of russia is much more believable to me.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby johnbrickner » Wed Nov 02, 2016 4:52 am

I watched it. Lets see if it unravels. Born in Missouri, mind politically hardened by time and experience. I know better to hope such is true. So I gotta say "Show Me". I need to see the Clinton machine go down to believe it. I have no such faith in our system as it stands. Perfect instance where I want to be wrong but such paranoia has saved my arse the supermajority of times.

Morning Zac. :D
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby 68Camaro » Wed Nov 02, 2016 7:33 am

Should we call that "rational paranoia bias"? Lol
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Wed Nov 02, 2016 8:10 am

What we do know is well out of the ordinary though. The FBI had an open and shut case, and dropped it. We heard murmurs from in their ranks over this. No one else got off with related charges. Suddenly the case is re opened, random materials from an old case are released as well. Someone long related to the intelligence community, checkered past or not is saying this is a counter coup. In one interview with assange and anderson cooper months ago, anderson was pressing him on the idea of a russian connection. He kept insisting he wouldnt give his source. Anderson then said well if it WAS russia and Im not saying it was would you have released these documents. Assange said something along the lines of, "let me answer it this way, if it was disgruntled people within the US government I would have released it". He also long insisted most of this was leaks not hacks.

We will know in a few days if we keep seeing more things come out as was promised, but this is all well out of the ordinary.

There are five separate probes into hillaries inner circle from the FBI as we speak. All timed in such a way the democrats couldnt replace her, but she is increasingly likely to loose especially if more comes out. This is the same FBI that recently wouldnt recommend charges when they had an open and shut case with a long list of proven and potential charges. ... ilies.html
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby 68Camaro » Wed Nov 02, 2016 8:48 am

I hear ya and if so (even if in a less dramatic way) you can hardly make this stuff up. It's the stuff of off the wall novels that we used to say could never happen in the US.

I felt that Comey was presenting some weird body language in his original press report back in early July. That suggests that - even with a mound of supporting evidence - without a smoking gun in hand that he caved to intense pressure from the administration to make a statement that he disagreed with. That he reversed direction this late is consistent with that and suggests that a smoking gun is in the pile of new emails.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Doctor Steuss » Wed Nov 02, 2016 9:15 am

Treetop wrote:We did just have the FBI randomly release documents from a 2001 investigation into bill clinton today. Seems rather random and rumors of more to come.

I'm trying to figure out why they even bothered releasing them. It's like they were redacted by a squid with an anxiety disorder.

Isn't this venturing into the waters of a potential Hatch Act violation?
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Thogey » Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:08 am

This is blowing up quick and huge.

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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Thogey » Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:08 am

Well how are you?

I double posted :oops:
Last edited by Thogey on Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:15 am

Doctor Steuss wrote:
Treetop wrote:We did just have the FBI randomly release documents from a 2001 investigation into bill clinton today. Seems rather random and rumors of more to come.

I'm trying to figure out why they even bothered releasing them. It's like they were redacted by a squid with an anxiety disorder.

Isn't this venturing into the waters of a potential Hatch Act violation?

That might be a tricky case to make for that particular info. From what Ive read this was a FOIA request that was long ignored.

according to wikipedia
Permitted and prohibited activities for employees who may not participate in partisan political activity

These federal employees may:

register and vote as they choose
assist in voter registration drives
express opinions about candidates and issues
participate in campaigns where none of the candidates represent a political party
contribute money to political organizations or attend political fund raising functions
attend political rallies and meetings
join political clubs or parties
sign nominating petitions
campaign for or against referendum questions, constitutional amendments, municipal ordinances

These federal employees may not:

be candidates for public office in partisan elections
campaign for or against a candidate or slate of candidates in partisan elections
make campaign speeches
collect contributions or sell tickets to political fund raising functions
distribute campaign material in partisan elections
organize or manage political rallies or meetings
hold office in political clubs or parties
circulate nominating petitions
work to register voters for one party only
wear political buttons at work

None of this seems to imply public officials cant provide the public with legitimate information we were not aware of about the collusion of and criminality of government officials with other branches of government or media which is what most of this has involved. Im not a lawyer I dont know. No doubt the media will insist this is covered whether or not it is. They stand much to loose with their collusion now coming to light. There is the potential most of what we currently call mainstream media could get buried over this. Wikileaks says it has more on that part ready to come out after the election up to december. Including google and facebook as well I believe.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Doctor Steuss » Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:29 am

Thank you Treetop. An FOIA request makes sense, given how heavy-handed the Sharpie action is on the handful of documents I skimmed.
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Re: Why Nate thinks Trump is Trump & should NOT be President

Postby Treetop » Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:57 am

PErhaps worth noting. If we take the idea corrupt connected people staged what amounts to a coup at face value atleast for a thought experiment then it is worth noting that it was under Bill clinton we changed FCC laws that enabled the media to form massive conglomerates we see today where 6 companies control most of the media now. Thus far we know most of these companies will focus heavily on negatives about trump while ignoring or downplaying massive proven things about hillary. What she did in haiti alone is huge and would have likely lost her the nomination to bernie. We also know media handed hillary questions to debates with bernie (and presumably trump) in advance. We also know some of hillaries interviews were not of the cuff as portrayed but she had questions in advance and went so far as to test her answers with control groups before pretending they were legit interviews. We also know some media soruces would vet stories with hillary before publishing at times or write in talking points she asked them to include.

Lets keep in mind to date nothing wikileaks has posted recently or a decade ago has proven false. They take the time to ensure things are legit before they publish. Which isnt necessarily fool proof but so far none of it has been proven faulty. So most or all we see coming from there is likely legit. Although LOTS of fake sites are popping up making up random crap and posing as if it was from wikileaks dumps. Opportunists? Or mis info agents? who knows.
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